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Supply Chains: Driving Strategic Advantage

Managing Dynamics & Innovating the Future

Supply chain talent pools are not keeping step as technology advances and transforms industries. Many companies and organizations neglect their future talent pipeline or fail to develop their workforce. * 


Cultivate your talents with

MIT CTL Executive Education

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To harness the power of supply chain as a strategic resource, executive leadership needs to cultivate teams that exhibit a unique combination of both analytical and interpersonal capabilities.** Our faculty and instructors include some of the world’s most prominent thought leaders across disciplines. 

The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics's Executive Education intensive courses provide the resources you need to stay ahead of the latest developments in SCM. As a leading research and education center at the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT CTL is uniquely positioned to deliver the knowledge you need to inform your strategy and practice.  

Executives from hundreds of companies have participated in our courses and gone on to advance and prosper in their chosen roles. These companies have applied the strategies and ideas we teach to compete successfully in established and emerging markets.

Join us at MIT CTL and step up to the future of supply chain.

What participants have to say

“It’s a good mix of activities—cases, simulations, lectures—that dives into really nuanced topics and strategy. It’s really fun to hear from people who do research all the time, there’s so much innovation going on.”

—Sam Pollack, Manager of Efficiency, Uber Freight

"The cases and strategy were very interesting; being able to witness four company strategies firsthand [through cases] was extremely valuable. There’s so much of what I learned that I could directly apply right away.”

—Georgios Diallas, Global Strategy & Improve Manager, ExxonMobil

"This course gave me an excellent opportunity to engage with Supply Chain professionals across several different industries and from around the globe."

J. Fleming, Director of Carrier Compliance at a global retailer

"A tremendous opportunity to hear from world-class subject matter experts on current and future supply chain methodologies. Being able to directly engage with other supply chain leaders who operate throughout multiple business sectors was an added benefit that provided for a holistic learning experience."

Col. S. Ostrem, 2019-2020 United States Army War College Fellow

A sample of previous instructors

Dr. Inma Borrella 

Digital Learning, Blockchain

Dr. Chris Caplice 

Future Freight Flows

Prof. Shardul Phadnis (2021)

Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation

Mr. Tim Russell

Distribution Interactive Activity

Dr. Josué Velázquez Martínez 

Green Button Logistics Sustainability

Dr. Jonathan Byrnes

Case Discussion, Haloran Metals

Dr. David Correll

Supply Chain Distribution - Analysis

Eva Ponce

Omnichannel Supply Chains

Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz

Digital Transformation

Prof. Sean Willems (2020)

Network Optimization

Dr. Sergio Caballero (2020)

AI and Machine Learning

Dr. Jarrod Goentzel

Business Case Simulation

Mr. Jim Rice

Case Discussions, Walmart and Apple

Mr. André Snoeck (2019)


Dr. Matthias Winkenbach

Last Mile Logistics

or learn about custom Executive Education courses below

Custom Courses

MIT CTL regularly partners with organizations to provide customized executive education experiences to individual enterprises and consortia. Custom courses give organizations the opportunity to direct intensive efforts at specific issues crucial to company goals, including business continuity strategy, scenario planning, and competitive alignment. 

Email to learn more.

Custom Online Courses

We work with you to create an online learning space tailored to your organization’s needs. Utilizing content from MITx MicroMasters in Supply Chain Management series and combining it with realtime interactive events, a custom online course can motivate, educate, and inspire your team. 

Email to learn more.