mit ctl exec ed header

Supply chain talent pools are not keeping in step as technology advances and transforms industries. Many companies and organizations neglect their future talent pipeline or fail to develop their workforce. * 


Cultivate your talents with

MIT CTL Executive Education

The images above are from previous years; due to Covid-19, the January 2021 session will be offered virtually.

To harness the power of supply chain as a strategic resource, executive leadership needs to cultivate teams that exhibit a unique combination of both analytical and interpersonal capabilities.** Our faculty and instructors include some of the world’s most prominent thought leaders across disciplines. 

The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics's Executive Education intensive courses provide the resources you need to stay ahead of the latest developments in SCM. As a leading research and education center at the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT CTL is uniquely positioned to deliver the knowledge you need to inform your strategy and practice.  

Executives from hundreds of companies have participated in our courses and gone on to advance and prosper in their chosen roles. These companies have applied the strategies and ideas we teach to compete successfully in established and emerging markets.

Join us at MIT CTL and step up to the future of supply chain management.

What participants are saying

"I walked away from this experience feeling empowered, inspired, and eager to broaden my knowledge on several topics."

D. Reynolds, FMCG Manager at a global FMCG manufacturer

"The experience exceeded all expectations. The caliber of the instructors and fellow attendees was world-class."

J. Shoffner, State Business Development Manager

"This course gave me an excellent opportunity to engage with Supply Chain professionals across several different industries and from around the globe."

J. Fleming, Director of Carrier Compliance at a global retailer

"A tremendous opportunity to hear from world-class subject matter experts on current and future supply chain methodologies. Being able to directly engage with other supply chain leaders who operate throughout multiple business sectors was an added benefit that provided for a holistic learning experience."

Col. S. Ostrem, 2019-2020 United States Army War College Fellow


Dr. Alexis Bateman

Director, MIT Sustainable Supply Chains

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Dr. Chris Caplice 

Executive Director and Senior Research Scientist, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Co-Director, MIT FreightLab

Dr. Jarrod Goentzel

Founder and Director, MIT Humanitarian Supply Chain Lab

Principal Research Scientist, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Mr. Jim Rice

Deputy Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Dr. Josué Velázquez Martínez 

Executive Director, MIT Supply Chain Management Program

Director, MIT Sustainable Logistics Initiative

Dr. Jonathan Byrnes

Senior Lecturer, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Dr. David Correll

Co-Director, MIT FreightLab

Research Scientist, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Prof. Shardul Phadnis

Associate Professor, Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation

Research Affiliate, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz

Executive Director, MIT Supply Chain Management Blended Program

Director, MIT Supply Chain Digital Transformation

Dr. Matthias Winkenbach

Director, MIT Megacity Logistics Lab; Computational and Visual Education (CAVE) Lab

Research Scientist, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Dr. Sergio Caballero

Research Scientist, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Ms. Katie Date

Corporate & SCALE Outreach Manager, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Director, Women in Supply Chain Initiative

Dr. Eva Ponce

Director, Omnichannel Distribution Strategies,

Research Scientist, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Prof. Yossi Sheffi

Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Author: The New (Ab)Normal - Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond Covid-19

Who attends?

Learners at every level of the supply chain profession are encouraged to attend. Our goal is for each learner to leave the course thinking differently with a toolkit of resources that can be put into action.

Attendees by title

Attendees by country

Draft Agenda

draft agenda